The Peavey HISYS H18 Subwoofer is specifically designed for high-end installations or touring professional audio where compact high-powered point source speakers are required, HIsys powered speakers are suitable for anything from a small bar gig to a dedicated live music venue.
Designed to be as light weight and versatile as possible, creating an easy-to-manage high performance system. The H15 SUB and H18 SUB provide impressive low-end power, considering their compact size. Equipped with analog processing and a stereo input (providing a total of two inputs and two outputs), no external processing is required when matching a sub to a satellite.
Additionally, the HISYS subs have selectable crossover frequency (80Hz, 125Hz), polarity (0, 180°) ground lift and adjustable level. HISYS satellites are not only the smallest in their category (with comparable features), but also full of customised details. What is more impressive is how loud these are for their size; the H15 satellite can reach 133dB and the H18 sub will peak at 135dB. HISYS speakers benefit from Class D amplification and a large aluminium plate, which strengthens the rear of each respective cabinet.
The aluminium plate serves as a heat sink for the amplifier. The H10, H12, and H15 satellites share a rotatable horn, symmetrical design and easy cable socket location perfect for mirror monitoring as well as standard applications utilising a 1" driver and 40-bit, 96kHz DSP for optimum performance. In addition, each has four comprehensive presets: Standard, Indoor, Monitor and "Low Cut," the latter of which allows the enclosure to "match" to one of the HIsys subs. For easy transportation, all models come with handles, stand support, and sturdy birch plywood construction.