Vox StompLab Pedals
The Vox StompLab are a new series of Amp Modelling and Multi Effects pedals with the emphasis on simplicity, delivering great plug and play tones. Guitar and dedicated bass versions are available.
The new Vox StompLab Amp Modelling and Effects Pedals deliver a slightly different approach to the host of multi effects pedals out there.
The StompLabs are broken up into selectable styles - be it Rock, Jazz, Pop etc with preset effects already 'built' into the style patch, delivering great quality, highly useable tones right out of the box. With the StompLab range you’ll get a huge number of sounds to experiment with but you won’t get bogged down in menus and complicated layouts.
You can of course create your own sounds and tweak some of the built in parameters like amp, drive, cabinet, modulation, delay, and reverb effects to allow you to get your own tones, you'll also have the ability to then save it to a user bank for later use.
There are two versions of guitar StompLabs and bass StompLabs available, the standard model or the slightly more expensive model that features an onboard expression pedal to give control of things like wah, volume etc.
These pedals really deliver alot of 'bang for buck', with ease of use high on the agenda without taking away from quality - the sound engines are based on the best selling Vox VT+ range of amps and ToneLab multi effects.
There a 4 models available:
Vox StompLab IG Guitar Multi Effects Pedal
Vox StompLab IIG Guitar Multi Effects Pedal with Expression Controller
Vox StompLab IB Bass Multi Effects Pedal
Vox StompLab IIB Bass Multi Effects Pedal with Expression Controller