Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions form the basis of the contract between GigGear Ltd and customers. Customers (hereafter referred to as ‘you’) are subject to, and agree, to being bound by these terms and conditions when participating in the instrument rental scheme.

The musical instrument provided as part of this rental agreement.

Any additional items provided with the instrument which relate to its use (excluding consumables).

Any additional items provided with the instrument, relating to its use, which need frequent replacement, for example, but not limited to strings, reeds, picks/plectrums.

“You”; the person, company, or other organisation renting the instrument and included accessories and/or consumables.

GigGear Ltd, The Company

Rental Period
The period starting when the renter collects the instrument, accessories, and consumables and ending upon satisfactory return of the instrument, accessories, and consumables by the renter to GigGear Ltd’s possession or the repossession, or collection, of the instrument, accessories, and consumables GigGear Ltd.

Third Party
Not GigGear Ltd, the renter or intended user, for example but not limited to an independent instrument repair shop.

Wear and Tear
Any minor and/or superficial damage which does not impact the functionality of the instrument, accessories, or consumables such as light scratching/scuffing or minor dents to the finish.

1.1. GigGear Ltd reserves the right to refuse or terminate the rental of instruments, accessories, and consumables as a result of (but not limited to) outstanding debt, repeated payment failure or excessive instances of damage, loss or theft.

Fees & Payments
2.1. Rental fees are payable on or around the same day of the month by Direct Debit.
2.2. Failed Direct Debits are subject to a £5.00 administration fee.
2.3. Where Direct Debits fail repeatedly, we reserve the right to terminate the rental agreement immediately. Upon termination the instrument, accessories and consumables must be returned to us within 48 hours.

Hire Period
3.1. The rental period starts on your collection date and is subject to a three month minimum term.
3.2. You are not permitted to lease, sell, or loan the instrument to any Third Party.

4.1. Rental equipment is not insured by us. We recommend insuring the instrument, and included accessories, to cover potential damage, loss, or theft.

Damage, loss and theft
5.1. We must be notified of any damage, loss, or theft to any instrument or accessory as soon as practicably possible, and no longer than 7 days. GigGear staff may request an inspection of the instrument.
5.2. You are responsible for the cost of reasonable repair or to replace damaged, lost or stolen instruments and accessories which is payable immediately.

Repairs and Servicing
6.1. Any instrument or accessory repair should only be undertaken by GigGear Ltd.

7.1 Consumables such as strings, reeds, plectrums etc are to be replaced at the cost of the renter.

8.1. Ownership of the instrument, accessories and consumables supplied as part of the rental remain the property of GigGear Ltd and will not pass to the renter at any time.

Ending your rental
9.1. You may end your rental period at any time by providing written notice by email.
9.2. GigGear Ltd reserves the right to end your rental agreement at any point with a minimum of 14-days’ notice.
9.3. At the end of the rental agreement and following confirmation by us it is the responsibility of the renter to return the instrument, accessories, and consumables.
9.4. Upon return, the condition of the instrument, accessories, and consumables will be assessed by us. Any instrument and/or accessories found to be missing or damaged upon return will be subject to clause 5 .Damage, Loss, and Theft.
9.5. All fees paid during your rental are non-refundable and any outstanding fees owed at the end of your rental will still be payable.

Change of details
10.1 You must keep us informed of any changes to payment details or address ASAP so we can update your rental agreement and/or direct debit.

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